Wish lists
- warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: column "n.nid" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.uid, u.name FROM (SELECT DISTINCT O...
^ in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/drupal/includes/database.pgsql.inc on line 138.
- user warning:
query: SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.uid, u.name FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (nid) * FROM node) n INNER JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid INNER JOIN node_access na ON na.nid = n.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'content_access_author') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'content_access_rid') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_rid') OR (na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_uid') OR (na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_author') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'term_access'))) AND ( n.type='wishlist' )GROUP BY u.uid ORDER BY u.name DESC in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/drupal/sites/all/modules/wishlist/wishlist.page.inc on line 43.
No wishlists exist on this site